Do you have a food plan?
Yes, there is a food plan. People new to CEA HOW will receive the food plan from their sponsor as part of the Newcomers Packet.
Why can't I get the food plan without a sponsor?
CEA HOW is not a diet or even a weight-loss program. It is a group of people who have come to believe that compulsive eating causes problems in their lives. The food plan works, but it is only one tool we use as we pursue sanity with food, one day at a time.
Is CEA HOW a religious group?
No. There is no religious doctrine or requirements to belong. Members are encouraged to find a Higher Power that works for them. But even that is not a requirement of the program.
My doctor gave me a food plan. Can I still be a member of CEA HOW?
The CEA HOW food plan works for most people. However, those with specific medical requirements around food can work with their doctor or other medical professional to create a medically abstinent food plan.
Does it cost anything to be a member?
There are no costs associated with being a member of Compulsive Eaters Anonymous. We pass the basket at each meeting, but members are not required to contribute. We encourage new members to buy the literature we use in our meetings, primarily The Big Book of AA and The 12-Steps and 12-Traditions. Both of these books can be found on Amazon, many used book stores, and are often sold at face-to-face meetings.
What does H.O.W. stand for in your name?
H.O.W. stands for Honesty, Open-mindedness, and Willingness -- three characteristics we have found very helpful in solving our problems with food and compulsive eating.
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